
August 26, 2010

John says that God is love; but without a doubt, it is equally true that God is government. In this program Gary addresses the government seen in intercourse, which is the same government seen in the two thousand years of the church, and is testified to in the two olive trees and lampstand in Zechariah 4. He also addresses the like comparison of the Body of Christ and Millennial reign, with Yahweh’s covenant with Abraham in Genesis 15. Additionally addressed is the governmental relationship of the woman and the man, and the entirely destructive effects of feminism. Yahshua said we are to salt ourselves, and this is importantly considered here as well.

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By examining the events that took place in the Garden of Eden, we find a clear parallel between the woman’s relationship to her husband, and mankind’s relationship to Yahweh God. We find that mankind was being represented by the woman when Satan went specifically to her to tempt her, and thereupon caused the man to fail and fall. Attested by Eve’s actions, the problem is when the one who is in the submissive role seeks to determine good and evil for oneself, taking the place of their head. This was the plight of Eve, is the plight of women, and is the plight of mankind. A writing addressing this matter more fully can be read by clicking here.

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Gary and Chris discuss recording the twelve-hour teaching series now on the RemnantBride Channel on YouTube and available as a DVD set titled “The Kingdom of Heaven Series.” What was originally anticipated as being a week-and-a-half project, expanded to a full seven weeks. Chris shares the experience of having Gary in his home for that time, and both review the content and messages of this highly revealing, extraordinarily comprehensive, and dynamically penetrating series. Also presented here is even more truth that came to light because of and since the recordings. It is good to have Gary and Chris behind the mics once again.

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On June 6, 2009, in Denver, Colorado, a simple wedding ceremony was effected between the Bride and Elijah. Then on June 7, the marriage was consummated in Colorado Springs with a most amazing and marvelous testimony. Discussed in this program are those events, which are also written about in the Weblog posting with the same title, “June 6 & 7, 2009.” But as is the case in any conversation, this program provides insight and information unique to an open discussion. Gary also discusses his plans to travel and teach these Bride truths, and closes with a comment that introduces for the first time ever a most wonderful truth—what it means to lay out the palm branches so as to prepare the way for Immanuel, and how this is done today.

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If the truths and principles of this program regarding marriage and divorce were understood, then divorce would never be an option (except in the case of infidelity) and promiscuity would not take place.  Gary, along with his co-host, Chris, examine the depths of the covenant principle and how it relates to and impacts marriage and divorce, clearing up common misunderstandings and outright errors.  Gary calls us to live our lives by Yahweh God’s governmental principles, and notes that when we violate them, we will reap what we sow.  Yahweh will not be mocked—Galatians 6:7.  In the opening of this program, the sensitive matter of masturbation is also addressed.  (Sensitive material.)

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Did you know that your body is governmentally in the same place as the Holy Spirit, and that how you use it in all of its parts effectually prays, prophesies, and intercedes?  In fact, how you use your body will pray and intercede far louder and more effectually than your words.  Gary and Chris Meier dialogue on how each part of the body speaks, addressing such matters as the head, hands, hair, tongue, feet, and even more extensively the genitalia of the man and the woman.  The information regarding the latter is profoundly eye-opening, affording insight and solid understanding that has never before been known.  You will also understand as never before the marriage covenant and the only way that covenant can end. (Sensitive material.)

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