After the broadcast, Guarding Your Words, Gary and Chris were talking on the phone and realized that more needed to be said regarding this vital subject. Corporately, the Bride is the Elijah who prepares the way for Yahshua, the Word of God. However, each of us have the personal opportunity and responsibility to do and evidence the same by establishing the Word in our mouths. Our words are in type Yahshua, the Word. Therefore, by our words we will either establish Him, or corrupt Him—by worldly talk and using worldly words, by unfaithfulness in keeping our word, or by careless or uncircumspect speech. Will we prove ourselves worthy to be the Elijah? If we cannot do so personally, how then can we do so corporately?
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Guarding Your Words
August 29, 2008
Yahshua warned, “You will be held accountable for every idle word. By your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.” These are very serious warnings that the wise will heed. Gary takes a sober look at our words, challenging us to guard them and treat them in the same manner as we would the Word of God Himself, Yahshua. He notes that the words of our mouth—to our children and to others—are a sober covenant, and should be regarded as such. He challenges us to carefully examine the root and meaning of words before using them. We are to not only walk circumspectly but talk circumspectly, knowing that it is what comes out of our mouth that defiles us.
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End Times and the Great Tribulation
August 25, 2008
In this program, Gary and Chris discuss such timely matters as the abomination of desolation, the great tribulation, the battle of Armageddon, the great and terrible day of Yahweh and how Elijah cuts those days short, and mystery Babylon and Yahweh’s like testimony that He will not carry out His promised wrath. But most surprising to the listener will be that all of these events are entirely relative to the church and not to the nations. In fact, all of this wrath has been taking place for 2,000 years, and would continue for another 1,000 years if Yahweh did not send Elijah to prepare the way for the Prince of Peace. This is refreshing truth like you have never heard before.
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Elijah: The Twelfth Apostle
August 22, 2008
In this truly remarkable program, Gary reveals never-before-seen truth regarding the office and work of the Elijah. As declared by Yahshua, this man, and the work he effects, restores all things and prepares the way for His return. As noted in the title, the source of the Elijah lies in the office of the twelfth apostle—first occupied by Judas, then by Satan, and finally goes to the one who fulfills that which Yahshua proclaimed. Gary addresses some highly revealing types of this office, including Moses, the rib that was taken out of Adam, a town named Zela, Mordecai, and even the palm tree under which Deborah sat.
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Remnant Bride 101: Beginner’s Course
August 19, 2008
Co-host Chris Meier asks six basic questions to Gary which he addresses. What is the Remnant Bride? How do the body of Christ and the Bride differ? Why do you use the name Yahshua instead of Jesus? What is the Elijah work? Is Elijah one man or a group of people, or both? What must one do to be a part of the Bride? To begin answering these questions, Gary explains the most important pattern in the entire Bible—the covenant pattern. In it we see not only the vital pattern of the church, but also this pattern’s immense inherent significance and highly effectual purpose. This is a must-listen-to program for any serious student of the Scriptures and the kingdom of heaven.
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Marriage and Divorce
August 13, 2008
If the truths and principles of this program regarding marriage and divorce were understood, then divorce would never be an option (except in the case of infidelity) and promiscuity would not take place. Gary, along with his co-host, Chris, examine the depths of the covenant principle and how it relates to and impacts marriage and divorce, clearing up common misunderstandings and outright errors. Gary calls us to live our lives by Yahweh God’s governmental principles, and notes that when we violate them, we will reap what we sow. Yahweh will not be mocked—Galatians 6:7. In the opening of this program, the sensitive matter of masturbation is also addressed. (Sensitive material.)
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The Human Body: Effecting Prayer, Prophecy, and Intercession
August 12, 2008
Did you know that your body is governmentally in the same place as the Holy Spirit, and that how you use it in all of its parts effectually prays, prophesies, and intercedes? In fact, how you use your body will pray and intercede far louder and more effectually than your words. Gary and Chris Meier dialogue on how each part of the body speaks, addressing such matters as the head, hands, hair, tongue, feet, and even more extensively the genitalia of the man and the woman. The information regarding the latter is profoundly eye-opening, affording insight and solid understanding that has never before been known. You will also understand as never before the marriage covenant and the only way that covenant can end. (Sensitive material.)
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True Faith and Its Trinity
August 8, 2008
Can you provide the definition of faith? This is the question posed, answered, and addressed by Gary, along with the aid of his guest co-host, Chris Meier. Just like man, just like God, faith is a trinity. And as James states, even as the absence of the spirit of a man renders his body dead, so faith is dead, even worthless, if it lacks any of the three parts of its trinity. And, the very passage that most use to define faith is not a definition for it at all; but rather, it describes the function or even the mechanics of faith. What or who is the source of faith, what is its purpose, and how can faith be increased? These questions and more are addressed here.
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Gary had of late written multiple news releases on two particular groups, acknowledging their exemplary modest dress, moral behavior, and proper masculine government. These are the Muslims and the Fundamentalist Latter Day Saints (FLDS). (To read these releases, click here.) What he found when examining both of these is their amazing types as the Elijah. In this opening program, Gary and guest co-host Chris Meier examine both of these groups, noting these remarkably revealing similarities to the Elijah. By this examination, the listener gains greater understanding regarding the Elijah work and how Yahweh evidences intercessoral types.
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