Guarding Your Words, Follow-up

August 30, 2008

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After the broadcast, Guarding Your Words, Gary and Chris were talking on the phone and realized that more needed to be said regarding this vital subject.  Corporately, the Bride is the Elijah who prepares the way for Yahshua, the Word of God.  However, each of us have the personal opportunity and responsibility to do and evidence the same by establishing the Word in our mouths.  Our words are in type Yahshua, the Word.  Therefore, by our words we will either establish Him, or corrupt Him—by worldly talk and using worldly words, by unfaithfulness in keeping our word, or by careless or uncircumspect speech.  Will we prove ourselves worthy to be the Elijah?  If we cannot do so personally, how then can we do so corporately?

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