Seeing the Big Picture, Part 2

October 19, 2010

Filed under: Current events,End times,Government,Remnant Bride,The Curse of 1920Comments Off on Seeing the Big Picture, Part 2

America just went through, and is still suffering from, a housing bubble that rattled the nation.But, there is a vastly larger bubble at hand that is about to pop, and it will shake America and the world to its core.From 1929 to 1937, the Great Depression was a warning to America of a judgment to come as a result of the Curse of 1920.It was a shot over the bow.But we’re getting ready to experience the direct hit, directly because of the first prong of that curse—feminism!America abandoned the gold standard in 1971, giving life to this bubble; but the natural prophesies, and America has in fact rejected the standard of the kingdom of heaven, the imperishable gold.

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“That which has been is that which will be.”This declaration from Solomon is never more true than when one examines what took place in the Garden of Eden, and what is taking place in this nation.In both cases, the desire of the woman for the place of the man brings ruin and death.But this is not only true regarding this nation and man, but regarding every individual as well.In every man or woman, the same temptation exists concerning listening to one’s own feminine soul.With this commonality of truth revealed, one sees not only the glaring error and fate of this curse, but the means whereby it must be reversed.

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On June 6, 2009, in Denver, Colorado, a simple wedding ceremony was effected between the Bride and Elijah. Then on June 7, the marriage was consummated in Colorado Springs with a most amazing and marvelous testimony. Discussed in this program are those events, which are also written about in the Weblog posting with the same title, “June 6 & 7, 2009.” But as is the case in any conversation, this program provides insight and information unique to an open discussion. Gary also discusses his plans to travel and teach these Bride truths, and closes with a comment that introduces for the first time ever a most wonderful truth—what it means to lay out the palm branches so as to prepare the way for Immanuel, and how this is done today.

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In one more step towards understanding the prophetic significance of the wedding at Cana where Yahshua performed His first miracle of turning the water into wine, Gary reveals some most amazing information regarding the marriage of the Bride. The wedding at Cana coincides with his fortieth wedding anniversary on June 6, giving hope for the Bride—in fruitfulness and in headship. Shared here is a preview of some of the information that will be in two forthcoming writings. This miracle being performed before Yahshua’s hour is addressed, as well as the volumes of the stone waterpots used for purification—two or three measures.

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What was the outcome of the February 13, 2009, Tabernacles Pentecost—forty-nine plus forty-nine days following Tabernacles?  Gary and the Bride did not receive what is so desperately needed, which is what he and Chris discuss in this broadcast.  Addressed as well is why there was such expectancy for this fulfillment, along with the consequences of hurt, discouragement, and disappointment.  Gary laid out his plans for the days ahead; but, unbeknownst to Chris, he added a very pleasant surprise.  You will want to listen to this most important update with its surprise ending, including an insert that was added after the program.

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What does it mean to enter into the sabbath rest?  When does it occur, how do we keep the sabbath?  Is it by setting aside a specific day of the week; and if so, what day, as there are many ideas?  And, what did Yahshua mean when He said that “the sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath”?  The answers to these questions and far more are addressed in this program.  To find the answers requires that we consider the full scope of Yahweh’s work pertaining to His entire creation—His administration of 49,000 years of time.  And even then, you will find that He cuts that time short to 43,000 years, affording us critical answers regarding the sabbath.  Additionally, this program offers great hope for the days before us as we examine Yahweh’s timing of events that point to the fulfillment of this sabbath rest today.

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In this broadcast, Gary and Chris engage in an open conversation regarding the troubling—yet concerning the Elijah hope, encouraging—time in which we now live.  Following a string of extraordinarily passionate expressions from Gary concerning the destructive ills of this nation, its political parties, society, the church, and the home, Chris noted, “there’s your preacher of righteousness.”  Gary also addressed an important question raised concerning humility.  Opening with an address of the most recent writing, Tabernacles Pentecost, 2008, the hope for the fulfillment of the Bride and that subject feast was highlighted.  You will undoubtedly appreciate this passionate conversation.

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Gary wrote, “From my perspective of seeking to understand the ways of Yahweh and the establishment of the kingdom of heaven on the earth, there is only one solution to the pressing ills of both the church and the nations—for Yahweh to do now at the end of the cut-short period of the church, what He did in its beginning. However, the Passover Pentecost former rain was early and brought death. There must be a latter-rain outpouring of His Spirit that effects three things: clothing the second Remnant in power; overshadowing this Bride so that she, as the Elijah, can bring forth Yahshua; and sound a call for repentance to the nations (Revelation 10:11). From what I can see, that outpouring would come on a Pentecost following a Tabernacles.” In this program, Gary and Chris discuss matters that give hope that the latter rain could well come on Tabernacles Pentecost, December 26, 2008.

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There were a lot of hopes for the outcome of Trumpets, Atonement, and Tabernacles of 2008.  So what were the results?  Was there a flip?  Gary and Chris discuss those days and what took place.  While they did not evidence the full hope—that something highly overt would take place that would affirm, strengthen, and vindicate this Elijah Bride—the time was most certainly not without clear, affirming events that were beyond the natural.  Gary lays out the “substance” of those days, and the hope for the future.  And as Chris affirms, who else is in the place to do what must come about—the establishment of the Elijah Bride and the return of Yahshua?  This is and continues to be a most worthy quest that must be pursued.

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What took place on Trumpets, October 16, 2008?  Did the flip take place as we anticipated?  Gary shares a highly revealing account of what happened that night, evidencing in a most surprising way that, indeed, the flip occurred.  What took place; the remarkable events leading up to Trumpets; the foreshadowing of Trumpets, 2007; and the marvelous revelation of the Scriptures regarding these things, afford great hope and even guarded excitement for what evidences to be highly momentous and earth-changing days before us.  We now watch with anticipation for the fulfillment of Atonement/Jubilee, October 25.

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As indicated by its title, this program is a collection of a variety of matters.  First, Gary and Chris discuss Yahshua’s words that money will fail, noting, very importantly, what Gospel it is in—revealing the time of its fulfillment.  Next, Gary explains the extraordinary practice that Yahweh repeats in flipping things, going all the way back to the Garden, and the dramatic consequence of this today.  They then move to the highly revealing testimony of the scarlet/purple robe that was placed upon Yahshua, examining each Gospel for its unique message.  You will see what the scarlet and purple represent, and how this relates to mystery Babylon and the beast she sits upon.  Gary then relates the clear miracle and incredible account where Yahweh told him to fish on the other side.  This relates specifically to the church and the flip.  And finally, he explains what it means for a prophet to come like Moses who will restore all things.  This is truly amazing information!

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If you want to know, prophetically, who will win the 2008 presidential election, you will want to listen to this program.  Both in 2000 and 2004, Gary accurately declared beforehand who would win the presidency, and prophetically why.  The 2008 election has clear prophetic evidences as well.  Additionally, Gary addresses the economic disaster that is at hand, and equally why it must take place.  This is the “flip,” whereby the times of the nations come to a close and flips so that the new heavens and new earth can be built.  Finally, the prophetic significance of the recent hurricanes is examined, including revealing information regarding Satan’s image in the Gulf of Mexico, an image that speaks of his demise.

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