We are told in 1 Corinthians 1:27-29 that Yahweh has chosen the foolish things of the world, the base things, the despised, the things that are not, so that He may nullify the things that are. Recently something happened to Gary immediately upon making a request to Yahweh to reveal Himself. In the eyes of man, and even at his own consternation, what took place was indeed quite foolish. Yet, Gary could not in the least dismiss the absolute profoundness of it either. In this program he describes what took place, explains its profound meaning, and adds what this means for us today—a message none of us should ever forget.
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The Fate of a Nation, The Fate of Man (Priority)
October 19, 2009
“That which has been is that which will be.”This declaration from Solomon is never more true than when one examines what took place in the Garden of Eden, and what is taking place in this nation.In both cases, the desire of the woman for the place of the man brings ruin and death.But this is not only true regarding this nation and man, but regarding every individual as well.In every man or woman, the same temptation exists concerning listening to one’s own feminine soul.With this commonality of truth revealed, one sees not only the glaring error and fate of this curse, but the means whereby it must be reversed.
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Gospel Comparisons
October 14, 2009
One of the most unique aspects of the Bride is their understanding of Bible contradictions and Gospel, as well as Old Testament, comparisons. Within these is not only the revelation of profound truth, but they afford an affirmation of Yahweh’s word, His works, and His ways. In this program, Gary addresses some recent questions received regarding the end of the age, the role of Satan, and who indeed possesses the gospel to the nations. He also unfolds some of the most interesting evidence yet regarding the abomination of desolation. Finally, you will find a most surprising ending, so make sure and not cut short your attention to the very end.
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Our Hope For the Latter Rain
October 10, 2009
An October 6, 2009, Remnant Bride blog posting addressed the hope of the Bride for the latter rain on November 2, 2009. Four specific reasons were given for this hope, and were discussed in this program. As was noted, the latter rain is as critical for the success of the second Remnant, as the former rain was for the first Remnant. Gary and Chris discuss some of the experiences within the last year that give hope, including a consummation on the order of Genesis 15 that took place in Colorado Springs, Colorado, on June 7. Also discussed is the necessity of Yahweh performing fulfilling works on higher dimensions.
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