Kissing, Lips, and Attesting Glory

January 30, 2009

Filed under: Elijah,End times,Government,Kingdom of God,ProphecyComments Off on Kissing, Lips, and Attesting Glory

For several years Gary wondered what the prophetic significance was to a man and a woman placing their lips together—kissing.  He knew that it had to have great significance, but little did he know just how significant it was and the profound insight and understanding he would gain from seeing the answer.  You will be surprised at how dramatically the truth in this not only impacts the government of the two Remnant, but even the coming of Yahshua through Mary and His coming in the Millennial reign.  You will see as well why Yahweh gave the man the beard, and how incredibly relevant this is to Yahshua’s soon coming.  And directly related to this, you will see how critical it is that we guard every word that proceeds out of our mouths, treating them as the Word of God Himself.  This is a very powerful and insightful program!

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What does it mean to enter into the sabbath rest?  When does it occur, how do we keep the sabbath?  Is it by setting aside a specific day of the week; and if so, what day, as there are many ideas?  And, what did Yahshua mean when He said that “the sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath”?  The answers to these questions and far more are addressed in this program.  To find the answers requires that we consider the full scope of Yahweh’s work pertaining to His entire creation—His administration of 49,000 years of time.  And even then, you will find that He cuts that time short to 43,000 years, affording us critical answers regarding the sabbath.  Additionally, this program offers great hope for the days before us as we examine Yahweh’s timing of events that point to the fulfillment of this sabbath rest today.

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Do you know the answer to the riddle that is propounded in this title?  It holds marvelous truth and hope for us today.  As you will find in this program, two incredible testimonies—the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem and where Ezekiel laid on his left side for 390 days—point to marvelous fulfillments in 2008, 2009, and 2010, as well as the Bride ascending alive in 2011.  How can there be two completely separate accounts pointing to precisely the same timing and event, and it not be of significance?  Gary and Chris also examine historical events on February 13 from 1948, 1920, and 1861.  As you will find, the latter raises great concerns for Obama in his quest to so thoroughly identify with Abraham Lincoln.  Also, you will learn the answer to this riddle.

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In Genesis, we read that four rivers came from one river that flowed out of Eden, watering the Garden.  Clearly this prophesies, as the Garden of Eden is a seed, a foreshadowing type of the kingdom of God.  In this broadcast, Gary reveals what the fulfillments of those four rivers are and what they will each effect.  We find clearly testified here Yahweh’s plans to establish His kingdom, His Garden, on this earth.  Gary also notes that “Eden” means “pleasure,” and examines how this is evidenced in man.  Related to this, he and Chris discuss the conflict between going by one’s emotions or by government.  If you want to know the end, listen to this revealing examination of “In the beginning.”

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How do you count to Pentecost?  “Well, that is easy,” you might say.  “It follows forty-nine days from the wave sheaf offering.”  That is true, if you read Deuteronomy 16:9-10.  BUT, if you read Leviticus 23:15-16, you have to double that count to forty-nine plus forty-nine—a double wait.  After not receiving a Pentecost “Gihon,” or “bursting forth,” on December 26, 2008, Gary was ready to go drive a truck.  But, he could not.  Listen to this program and you will see why.  Also, you will see how this hidden Tabernacles Pentecost is very likely attested to in the Scriptures, and relative specifically to Elijah.  Finally, you will see why there is hope for February 13, 2009, and why this date holds special meaning for Gary.

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